Dynamic Language Learning Progression

CRESST and GSEIS collaborated on the DLLP Project from 2011-2016. This project was funded through a subcontract to GSE&IS at UCLA from the ASSETS Consortium at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. The primary goal of the project was to develop research conjectured and empirically validated dynamic language learning progressions. These progressions were intended to encompass the language development of students, pre-k through grade 12, both English Proficient and English Language Learners, for a range of academic language functions. These language functions, including explanation, description and definition, are all needed for success in school.

The project began with creating a language learning progression for explanation for students K-6. The research that went into creating this progression included collecting data from students at a range of school sites in southern California, including the UCLA Lab School. After this phase was complete, the research team went back the the UCLA Lab School and worked with teachers in a case study to help integrate the language learning progression into teachers’ instruction using formative assessment. Teachers used knowledge of the learning progression to inform their instructional planning in support of English language development. With the success of the case study, the team was then able to pilot a professional development program based on the language progression and formative assessment in three central California public schools for grades K-5. This work continues to expand as more teachers use these materials to support students in their English language development, from where they are in their learning to where they need to go. (Sandy Chang)