ELPA21 Assessments

Beyond understanding common English usage, ELLs need to understand language used for grade-level instruction in English language arts, mathematics, and science. A set of ELP standards were developed by CCSSO and WestEd to correspond to states’ college and career readiness standards for English language arts, mathematics, and science. ELPA21 uses these standards as the basis for the assessment system. Click here to view the ELP standards. The two ELPA21 assessments are:

Screener – The screener is being developed from the same item bank as the summative assessment for each of the six grade bands. The screener will help schools assess the baseline English language proficiency of incoming ELLs and inform placement and instructional decisions.

Summative – The summative assessment includes multiple fixed forms per grade band to provide increased security. This assessment is administered near the end of the academic year. ELPA21 completed its first operational summative assessment Spring 2016.