Imbellus & CRESST Deliver New Game-Based Assessment

A few weeks ago, 500 job candidates for McKinsey & Company’s London office were the first to try the new digital assessment that CRESST has been working on alongside McKinsey and Imbellus. The assessment is designed to help employers understand how candidates process information and create solutions to challenging problems.
More than 90% of those who took the assessment thought it was engaging and several participants described this experience as more positive than standard pencil and paper tests. Participants said the digital assessment is also less stressful than traditional tests; others said this was an intellectually stimulating experience that allowed them to explore a problem from many angles.
For more information, read the article published by McKinsey & Company here. We are so excited by this development and are looking forward to seeing what happens next for this project!
CRESST partners with Imbellus to deliver game-based assessment to McKinsey. Read more about CRESST’s work with Imbellus here.