Technology. Instruction. Assessment. CRESSTCON’18.

We are currently gearing up for CRESSTCON’18! This conference will bring together experts in education assessment research on October 1-2 at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center. The theme, “Learning Together: Building Partnerships to Accelerate Excellence and Equity,” will be represented by visionaries in assessment, educational technology, policy and economics.
Over the next few months, we will share in-depth information here about the specific sessions and speakers you can find at CRESSTCON’18. We hope you will read all about them and then join us at CRESSTCON’18! Visit our website to learn more and register. Today we highlight the breakout session: Technology in Instruction and Assessment.
This breakout session will focus on the analysis, interpretation, and modeling of multimodal educational assessment data and its use to inform instruction. Technology is the common denominator that allows for the mining and fusion of data from different sources, providing inferences from student behavior. The reliability of software algorithms and models can complement human common-sense and bigger picture assessment ratings. Our session speakers will share on these topics, describing their work, insights, challenges and the road ahead.
Breakout Session Speakers
Adnan Darwiche is a professor and chairman of the computer science department at UCLA. He holds M.S. (1989) and Ph.D. (1993) degrees in computer science from Stanford University. Served as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and is a AAAI Fellow. Professor Darwiche directs the Automated Reasoning Group at UCLA. His research interests span probabilistic and symbolic reasoning, and their applications including machine learning. The title of his presentation for this breakout session is, Automated Explanation and Validation of Probabilistic Assessments.
Jennie Grammer is an Assistant Professor at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan and at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She explores changes in children’s cognitive skills from early childhood across the transition to elementary school and the contexts that promote this growth. Specifically, employing both behavioral and neurological methods, she examines the development of executive functions, memory, and metacognition between the ages of 3-8. In addition, Grammer works to identify aspects of the classroom and home environment that promote this development. Bringing together these two parallel lines of research, the goal of this work is to understand the ways in which early enrichment and schooling experiences can positively impact brain and behavioral development.
Roger Azevedo is a Professor in the Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research at the University of Florida’s College of Community Education and Innovation. He is also the Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Metacognition and Advanced Learning Technologies. He received a Ph.D. from McGill University (1998) and completed his postdoctoral training in Cognitive Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. His main research area includes examining the role of cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and motivational self-regulatory processes during learning with advanced learning technologies (e.g., intelligent tutoring systems, hypermedia, multimedia, simulations, serious games, virtual reality). More specifically, his overarching research goal is to understand the complex interactions between humans and intelligent learning systems by using interdisciplinary methods to measure cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, and motivational processes and their impact on learning, performance, and transfer. The title of his presentation for this breakout session is, Assessing self-regulatory processes using multimodal data during learning with advanced learning technologies.
Markus Iseli is a Senior Research Scientist for CRESST with a focus on the integration of engineering and technology for educational purposes. His specialization is in digital signal processing, speech and image analysis, pattern recognition, acoustics, and natural language processing. He has over 15 years of practical expertise as a technology and engineering consultant, applying data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms for technology-based learning and knowledge assessment systems. Currently, he is involved as a knowledge engineer in various private and publicly funded projects. Dr. Iseli holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in electrical engineering from UCLA and from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. The title of his presentation for this breakout session is, Data Analysis and Visualization used to Inform Ultrasound Performance Assessment.
Terry Vendlinski is currently Principal at TVATE Consulting. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his research concerned education technology and assessment. He has extensive teaching experience at both the secondary and post-secondary levels. He has worked with the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education assisting their efforts to fully fund the initial round of the federal E-rate program and as a member of that department’s program to help schools wisely invest State Fiscal Stabilization Funds in educational technology. In his roles as Co-director, Assessment Research and Design in the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI, International and as Senior Researcher at CRESST, he has authored papers on using Evidence Centered Design to improve inferential validity in technology (including games) based assessment and many technology-based, national, large scale assessments. During the last several years, his research has principally concentrated on developing frameworks to improve assessments and pedagogy to advance student understanding in Math, Science and English Language Arts.
Check out all of the CRESSTCON’18 breakout and plenary sessions here.