November 1, 2009

A Three-State Study of English Learner Progress

Jinok Kim and Joan L. Herman
In this three-state study, the authors estimate the magnitudes of achievement gaps between EL students and their non-EL peers, while avoiding typical caveats in cross sectional studies. The authors further compare the observed achievement gaps across three distinct dimensions (content areas, grades, and states) and report patterns of EL and non-EL achievement gaps within and across states. The study findings suggest that linguistic barriers and long-term EL designation may contribute to the observed achievement gaps. The findings further suggest that the differences in the stringency of state reclassification criteria may influence the reported size of the EL and non-EL achievement gaps between states.
Kim, J., & Herman, J. L. (2009). A three-state study of English learner progress (CRESST Report 764). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).