July 1, 2013
Critical Moments in Research and Use of Assessment

Eva L. Baker
This article attempts to show the interplay among
the scholarly and practical perspectives of assessment and to
mark major changes in the way it has
been viewed, used, and interpreted by its various
constituencies. Genius seems to have inspired
the original focus of Theory Into Practice (TIP),
positioned on the edge of research scholarship
and usable, practical knowledge (Baker, 2009;
Hargreaves, 2004). The nature of transition from
theory to practice is of particular interest when
considering assessment. To that end, the article
begins by addressing the relationship of research
to development and practice in general, with evident
implications for assessment.
Baker, E. L. (2013). Critical moments in research and use of assessment. Theory Into Practice, 52(Sup1), 83- 92. DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2013.795445