August 4, 1997

Emerging Educational Standards of Performance in the United States

Eva L. Baker and Robert L. Linn
This paper will describe the role of standards and assessments in the present cycle of educational reform of the United States. Its major sections include a brief description of the American educational system and a reprise of the key elements of the educational reform undertaken in the last decade, including the ascendant role of standards and new forms of assessment, particularly their evolving defining and articulated purposes. We will conclude with the ways in which performance standards, as variously defined, are practically implemented. Illustrating with particular case studies of high-profile performance standards activities, we will project a set of problems that need sustained technical and policy attention for their solution.
Baker, E. L., & Linn, R. L. (1997). Emerging educational standards of performance in the United States (CSE Report 437). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).