January 5, 2011

Evaluation of the Artist-Teacher Collaborative Program: Summary of Year 1 Findings

Noelle C. Griffin, Yael Silk, Kirby A. Chow, and Yourim Chai
The Artist-Teacher Collaborative (ATC) program is a partnership between the Armory Center for the Arts and Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD). A central goal of this program, which is supported by the U. S. Department of Education, is to provide sustained, rigorous professional development to 3rd through 5th grade PUSD teachers, instilling in them the skills and knowledge needed to deliver standards-based instruction in the visual arts. Using survey methodology, classroom observations, and quantitative techniques, CRESST evaluated the quality the program. This year-end report addresses the ongoing program’s success and provides formative feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of program implementation.
Griffin, N.C., Silk, Y., Chow, K.A., & Chai, Y. (2011). Evaluation of the ArtistTeacher Collaborative program: Summary of Year 1 findings (CRESST Report 784). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).