July 1, 2009

Evaluation of the WebPlay Arts Education Program: Findings from the 2006–07 School Year

Noelle Griffin, Jinok Kim, Youngsoon So and Vivian Hsu
This report presents results from the second year of CRESST’s three-year evaluation of the WebPlay program. WebPlay is an online-enhanced arts education program for K–12 students. The evaluation occurred during the three-year implementation of the program in Grades 3 and 5 in California schools; this report focused on results from the second year of program implementation, 2006–07. Results show that WebPlay participation was significantly related to positive educational engagement/attitude. In terms of California Standards Test (CST) English Language Arts (ELA) scores, despite no overall WebPlay effects, a significant difference was found for limited English proficiency (LEP) students. The results support that a well-designed, theater-based education can improve student engagement; and that it may have academic benefits in language arts content, particularly for those students who are struggling with English proficiency.
Griffin, N., Kim, J., So, Y., & Hsu, V. (2009). Evaluation of the WebPlay arts education program: Findings from the 2006–07 school year (CRESST Report 759). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).