June 15, 2021

Examining the Effect of an Interdisciplinary Literacy Program on Student Learning

Jia Wang, Joan L. Herman, Seth Leon, and Scott Epstein
The literacy design collaborative (LDC) was created to support teachers in implementing college and career readiness standards. Teachers work collaboratively with coaches to further develop their expertise and design standards-driven, literacy-rich writing assignments within their existing curriculum across content areas. The current paper reports on early student academic outcome results from a multi-year mixed methods study of the implementation and effect of LDC using a quasi-experimental design, as implemented in one large urban school district. We found LDC had statistically significant effects on Cohort 2 middle school students’ English language arts (ELA) performance, an effect size of (d = 0.15) for students receiving LDC instruction in the three core content areas LDC focuses on: ELA, science, and social studies/history.
Wang, J., Herman, J. L., Leon, S., & Epstein, S. (2021). Examining the effect of an interdisciplinary literacy program on student learning. The Urban Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11256-021-00610-5