January 1, 2015
Guidelines for the Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Game Telemetry

Gregory K. W. K. Chung
The design of game telemetry requires careful attention to the chain of reasoning that connects low-level behavioral events to inferences about players’ learning and performance. Measuring performance in serious games is often difficult because seldom do direct measures of the desired outcome exist in the game. Game telemetry is conceived as the fundamental element from which measures of player performance are developed. General psychometric issues are raised for game-based measurement, and data issues are raised around format, context, and increasing the meaningfulness of the data itself. Practical guidelines for the design of game telemetry are presented, including targeting in-game behaviors that reflect cognitive demands, recoding data at the finest usable grain size, representing the data in a format usable by the largest number of people, and recording descriptions of behavior and not inferences with as much contextual information as practical. A case study is presented on deriving measures in a serious game intended to teach fraction concepts.
Chung, G. K. W. K. (2015). Guidelines for the design, implementation, and analysis of game telemetry. In C. S. Loh, Y. Sheng, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds.), Serious games analytics: Methodologies for performance measurement, assessment, and improvement (pp. 59–79). New York, NY: Springer.