June 1, 2000
Instructional Variation and Student Achievement in a Standards-Based Education District

Lauren B. Resnick and Michael Harwell
This paper, part of a larger study of the links between instructional variation and variation in performance on standards-based assessment, reports on the relations between examination results and instructional variation in a diverse New York City school district. The district has put in place an educational improvement system founded on intensive, school-based professional development that is carefully related to a preferred framework for teaching literacy. This study provides strong evidence that the school district’s school-based professional development program improves teaching quality for diverse schools in ways that affect students’ achievement scores.
Resnick, L. B., & Harwell. M. (2000). Instructional variation and student achievement in a standards-based education district (CSE Report 522). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).