May 2, 2011
The Development and Impact of POWERSOURCE©: Year 5

Julia Phelan, Terry Vendlinski, Kilchan Choi, Yunyun Dai, Joan Herman and Eva L. Baker
The POWERSOURCE© intervention is a formative assessment-based strategy that can be integrated with any ongoing mathematics curriculum to improve teachers’ knowledge and practice and, in turn, student learning. POWERSOURCE© includes both a system of learning-based assessments and an infrastructure to support teachers’ use of those assessments to improve student learning. The Year 5 study focused on middle school mathematics, starting in Grade 6. Of the two teacher knowledge measures used, the teacher knowledge maps provided clearer information about how the POWERSOURCE© intervention affected teacher knowledge. Our findings indicate that POWERSOURCE© professional development helps teachers become more expert-like in the way they think about math problems in relation to mathematical concepts.
Phelan, J., Vendlinski, T., Choi, K., Dai, Y., Herman, J., & Baker, E. L. (2011). The development and impact of POWERSOURCE©: Year 5 (CRESST Report 792). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).