June 1, 2015

The Implementation and Effects of the Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC): Early Findings From Kentucky Ninth-Grade Algebra 1 Courses

Joan L. Herman, Deborah La Torre Matrundola, Scott Epstein, Seth Leon, Yunyun Dai, Sarah Reber and Kilchan Choi
With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, researchers and experts in mathematics education developed the Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) as a strategy to support the transition to Common Core State Standards in math. MDC provides short formative assessment lessons known as Classroom Challenges for use in middle and high school math classrooms. UCLA CRESST’s study of ninth-grade Algebra 1 classrooms in Kentucky implementing MDC showed strong support from teachers for the intervention and a statistically significant positive impact on student scores on the PLAN Algebra assessment, as compared to similar students statewide in Kentucky.
Herman, J. L., La Torre Matrundola, D., Epstein, S., Leon, S., Dai, Y., Reber, S., & Choi, K. (2015). The implementation and effects of the Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC): Early findings from Kentucky ninthgrade Algebra 1 courses (CRESST Report 845). Los Angeles, CA: University of California, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).