December 9, 1980

Values, Inquiry, and Education

Hendrik D. Gideonse, Robert Koff, and Joseph J. Schwab (Editors)
The CSE Monograph Series in Evaluation covers a broad spectrum of evaluation activities and issues–theoretical and practical–comprising evaluation, by presenting the work of experts in the field who represent a wide range of educational philosophies and who subscribe to a variety of evaluation frameworks and models. This volume consists of a collection of 16 papers and associated commentary addressing the theme of improvement of disciplined inquiry paradigms and the methodologies employed by educational researchers.
Gideonse, H. D., Koff, R., & Schwab, J. J. (Eds.). (1980). Values, inquiry, and education (CSE Monograph 9). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, Center for the Study of Evaluation.