December 1, 1992
Writing Portfolios at the Elementary Level: A Study of Methods for Writing Assessment

Maryl Gearhart, Joan L. Herman, Eva L. Baker, and Andrea K. Whittaker
In this paper we report an investigation of portfolio assessment as a method of evaluating elementary students’ competence in writing. Our study contained two components: (a) an empirical study of the utility and meaningfulness of using a holistic/analytic rubric (developed for evaluation of traditional writing samples) to score students’ portfolios; and (b) a qualitative
analysis of scoring approaches, drawing particularly on raters’ critiques of the analytic scoring approach. The analytic rubric used was a well motivated and well researched method for writing evaluation and as such offered a solid basis for exploring the scorability of portfolios and for generating possible revisions or additions to the rubric.
Gearhart, M., Herman, J. L., Baker, E. L., & Whittaker, A. K. (1992). Writing portfolios at the elementary level: A study of methods for writing assessment (CSE Report 337). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).