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Writing Portfolios at the Elementary Level: A Study of Methods for Writing Assessment

Dec 1992

Maryl Gearhart, Joan L. Herman, Eva L. Baker, and Andrea K. Whittaker

In this paper we report an investigation of portfolio assessment as a method of evaluating elementary students’ competence in writing. Our study contained two components: (a) an empirical study of the utility and meaningfulness of using a holistic/analytic rubric (developed for evaluation of traditional writing samples) to score students’ portfolios; and (b) a qualitative
analysis of scoring approaches, drawing particularly on raters’ critiques of the analytic scoring approach. The analytic rubric used was a well motivated and well researched method for writing evaluation and as such offered a solid basis for exploring the scorability of portfolios and for generating possible revisions or additions to the rubric.

Gearhart, M., Herman, J. L., Baker, E. L., & Whittaker, A. K. (1992). Writing portfolios at the elementary level: A study of methods for writing assessment (CSE Report 337). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).