Case Study

CRESST's Evaluation of the Magnet Schools Assistance Program

For over a decade, CRESST has played a pivotal role in evaluating magnet school programs, aiming to improve educational outcomes through innovative approaches.
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magnet schools evaluated
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The Client
The Magnet Schools Assistance Program provides grants to eligible local education agencies to establish and operate magnet schools, to attract a diverse group of students and desegregate public schools.
CRESST Services
Every year, school districts compete for funding to support their magnet school initiatives, and as part of the award, several school districts chose to bring in CRESST to evaluate their work. Upon selection, awardees embarked on a 5-year program, during which CRESST evaluators surveyed faculty and students, collecting data to assess program success on improving student outcomes relative to similar students and schools at non-magnet public schools. A key aspect of CRESST’s approach was the use of a quasi-experimental study design to establish the baseline equivalence and to measure the impact of magnet school interventions.

Benefits of Comparative Studies

By comparing outcomes between magnet schools and their counterparts, CRESST provided valuable insights into the program’s efficacy. These studies highlighted improvements in student achievement, and how magnet school implementation plays major roles in magnet school effectiveness. Comparative analysis also identified areas where magnet schools excelled, such as innovative teaching practices, diverse student populations, and specialized curriculum delivery.


Through rigorous evaluation, CRESST identified several best practices for effective magnet school governance:
writing a list


By leveraging quasi-experimental studies and rigorous data collection, CRESST not only validated the success of magnet school initiatives, but also informed future program development and implementation. The resulting best practices for magnet school governance serve as a blueprint for school districts seeking to establish and sustain effective magnet programs that meet the diverse educational needs of students and communities.

This effort has also significantly contributed to the advancement of educational practices, by continuing to support school districts in providing high-quality, specialized education that not only enhances student achievement, but also promotes equity in education. CRESST’s work contributed to the new technical rigor and requirements that the Magnet Schools Assistance Program added to its recent RFPs, by requiring the evaluation of student data.

CRESST’s rigorous evaluation leads to informed decision-making and positive educational outcomes, benefiting students, educators, and communities alike.
