Publications & Resources
A Primer on Data Logging to Support Extraction of Meaningful Information From Educational Games: An Example From Save Patch
Mar 2012
Gregory K. W. K. Chung and Deirdre S. Kerr
In this primer, two CRESST researchers describe the use of data logging to support measurement of student learning in a game developed for research purposes. Their research-based recommendations include: specify the behavior to log ahead of time; record data that reflects behavior rather than inferences about the behavior; log in-game behaviors that map directly to targeted knowledge, skills, and attitudes; encode sufficient information so that the data elements are unambiguous at the desired grain size; capture context to allow linking of the data element to an individual’s specific game experience; and use a structured and delimited record format. The capturing of behavioral events allows for the investigation of numerous research questions that connect game play to students’ background, strategy use, knowledge, and cognitive processes.
Chung, G. K. W. K., & Kerr, D. (2012). A primer on data logging to support extraction of meaningful information from educational games: An example from Save Patch (CRESST Report 814). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).