Publications & Resources
Inclusion of Limited-English-Proficient Students in Rhode Island’s Grade 4 Mathematics Performance Assessment
Sep 1998
Lorrie Shepard, Grace Taylor and Damian Betebenner
CRESST/University of Colorado researchers examined the effects of accommodations on the participation and performance levels of limited-English Proficient students. They found that accommodations consistently raised the relative position of LEP and special education students on the performance assessment compared to where they had been, relative to the general mean on a standardized test. While the level of gain seemed reasonable, there were examples of some students who gained 1 or 1.5 standard deviations on the performance assessment compared to the MAT.
Shepard, L., Taylor, G., & Betebenner, D. (1998). Inclusion of limited-Englishproficient students in Rhode Island’s Grade 4 mathematics performance assessment (CSE Report 486). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).